Your ULTIMATE Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide : 17 Questions To Help You Decide

In this ULTIMATE electric toothbrush buying guide, you’ll hear of 17 questions that will take you by the hand and lead you right to your ideal choice!

The ULTIMATE Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide

There’s no question about it!

Brushing your teeth regularly gets rid of plaque-causing bacteria, avoids cavities or tooth decay, and wards off gum disease.

In this electric toothbrush buying guide you’ll discover everything you need to know about choosing the best electric toothbrush.

You’ll learn all about the features to look for, and how to select the best toothbrush brand and model that’s ideal for your needs.

The ULTIMATE Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide

How To Buy An Electric Toothbrush : Things To Consider

A healthy mouth leads to a healthy body.

Never before has the link between oral hygiene and overall well-being been as clear as it is today.

Dentists recommend an electric toothbrush as being more effective than manual toothbrushes in maintaining dental hygiene. And that’s why you must know how to buy an electric toothbrush.

When nylon toothbrushes were first manufactured in the early 1930s, you only had to pick from soft or stiff bristles. And maybe decide between different colored brush handles.

Not any longer.

You now have seemingly endless choices. With a modern electric toothbrush, the options can easily become overwhelming. And your alternative picks come in a wide price range.

Dozens of electric toothbrush models with an array of dizzying features make it hard to decide which one will

  • whiten your teeth,
  • remove dental plaque,
  • help you fight cavities, or
  • prevent gum disease.

And fancier electric toothbrush models even link to an app on your Smartphone wirelessly to record data and guide your brushing activity in real time!

So How To Buy The Best Electric Toothbrush?

Well, when it comes to an electric toothbrush, all models are not equal.

Your own preference and comfort with using one rather than another will usually guide your choice.

To choose wisely, you must first understand

  • the different types of electric toothbrushes as well as
  • the technology they use

Based on your unique needs, one of many available types of electric toothbrush models will be a perfect match.

And one (or few) from a range of specialized replacement brush heads will be ideal.

Each delivers a different kind of benefit. And that will personalize your brushing experience.

But despite all of this, the choice of your best electric toothbrush boils down to one simple factor:

Which one do YOU like best?

So how do you find out which electric toothbrush to buy?

It’s easy.

Just ask yourself a few intelligent questions. And the answers will guide you to your perfect choice!

But what are those questions?

  • Read this electric toothbrush buying guide.
  • In it you’ll find 17 simple questions.
  • You’ll answer them one after the other.
  • And the answers will guide you step by step to discover your best electric toothbrush.

So are you ready to go shopping?

Let’s begin with the 17 questions you’re asking (or should be asking) yourself before you buy an electric toothbrush.


How To Buy An Electric Toothbrush

17 Questions To Ask Before You Go Shopping

17 Questions on How to buy an electric toothbrush

There are just 17 critical aspects to cover before you explore a catalog of electric toothbrushes. Or visit a store to buy one.

The aim in asking yourself these questions is to clarify your requirements. That’s when you’ll easily cut through the clutter, to find the best electric toothbrush to suit your needs.

So shall we begin with the 17 questions that will guide you on how to buy an electric toothbrush?

Question #1: Is this your first electric toothbrush? Or are you a more advanced user who knows exactly what you want?

Beginners who are buying an electric toothbrush for the very first time have a harder task ahead.

I still recall the panic when selecting my first electric toothbrush. I was so worried of making a mistake or missing an important point that the entire experience became stressful.

Hopefully you won’t face this problem!

So if this is your first time ever shopping for one, be sure to read the rest of this electric toothbrush buying guide carefully.

Just answer the remaining questions on how to buy an electric toothbrush. Before you know it, the right choice (or few of them) will stand out.

That just leaves you with the (relatively) simple task of studying detailed electric toothbrush reviews. And then ordering your favorite.

If you’re already familiar with using an electric toothbrush, and have a preference for a certain brand or model, your task is a bit easier – but not by much!

You’ve still got to figure out:

  • – if you want to buy the same brand/model as before
  • – if you’d like to upgrade to a more recent or advanced one
  • – if your needs have changed or evolved since you last bought one

It will still help to invest 10 to 15 minutes to read this entire electric toothbrush buying guide.

Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 4100
A great ‘first’ electric toothbrush!

Ultimate Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide

Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 4100 review – read more

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Question #2: Are you merely curious… or are you serious?

In other words, are you committed to this journey of using an electric toothbrush?

Why does this matter?

Well, it will help determine if you should get yourself a fancy device with all the bells-and-whistles – or instead go for a more basic model, just to test out the waters.

If you’re not yet sure, and are still trying out the concept of using an electric toothbrush, then you look for one with these features:

a. EasyStart – It’s a technology that eases a new user gradually into the experience of using an electric toothbrush. The intensity of cleaning and the force of the vibration is lesser, to begin with. Over a 14 day period, the brushing power gradually increases to full strength.

b. Noise level – In the beginning, an electric toothbrush can seem quite loud and disturbing. That’s until you get used to it. In fact, it can rarely drive you back to using a manual toothbrush! So don’t rush into an expensive model. Get started with a cheaper one until you’re sure.

Question #3: Are you determined to improve your oral hygiene? Or are you rather easy-going about your teeth?

Not everyone has the same level of motivation to maintain oral health.

Someone who has suffered from dental caries, or had prior oral surgery, or lives with gum infections or sensitive teeth may appreciate how important it is to maintain dental hygiene.

Others who have been fortunate to enjoy healthy teeth may not see it as being a big deal.

If you are committed to ensuring your oral hygiene and health, then you can more confidently make a larger investment into buying the best electric toothbrush you can afford.

Philips Sonicare 9900 Prestige:
The best that money can buy!

The Ultimate Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide
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Question #4: Will you brush regularly, twice every day?

This is of vital importance in choosing the right electric toothbrush.

Battery life may matter more for regular users who will use the device twice daily.

Most electric toothbrush models run for around 2 to 3 weeks on a full recharge, with typical use being two cleaning sessions daily of 2 minutes each.

This means a battery life of roughly 56 to 85 minutes on a charge.

If you brush regularly, or if multiple users share a single brush handle, then look for a model with excellent battery life – like a Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush.

The number of times you have to recharge a battery determines how long your toothbrush will last. So this can be an important element of your buying decision.

Question #5: Do you have any oral health problems like gingivitis, caries, or dental plaque? Or have any special dental health needs?

No two electric toothbrushes are alike.

Some of the basic models are just battery-powered brushes that do a great job of cleaning your teeth – but might be uncomfortable to use if you suffer from sensitive gums or teeth.

There are other electric toothbrush models that are programmable based on your needs. You can adjust their speed, power and duration of vibration to match your requirements.

They even let you select from a menu of brushing modes. Each cleaning mode is suited to specific needs. Some are designed for deep cleaning. Others are for whitening teeth. And there are modes for gum massage, tongue cleaning and sensitive teeth.

Generally these devices are more expensive.

But they can be well worth the money if they’ll make it comfortable to brush regularly. What you’ll save by way of unnecessary dentist visits will more than pay for the extra cost of owning such a premium electric toothbrush.

Oral-B Pro 1000:
A basic electric toothbrush that’s so much more!

Ultimate Electric Toothbrush Buyers Guide

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Question #6: Have you had any previous dental procedures or work done on your teeth?

The reason why this matters is because some electric toothbrushes are NOT safe or good to use if you’re wearing braces or have had implants. So it’s best to check with your dentist before picking one.

Generally speaking, the premium line of models has adjustable settings which make it suitable for users with sensitive teeth and gums.

However if you’re wearing permanent braces, or have had implants, then some of the electric toothbrush models may not be suitable.

Question #7: Are you a power user? Do you enjoy exploring various features and functions? Or do you just want a simple device to clean teeth without any fuss?

The answer to this question will guide your decision on how to buy an electric toothbrush.

If all you want is a battery-powered electric toothbrush to brush your teeth quickly and easily, you can safely ignore the fancier (and often more expensive) models.

Just focus on ‘plain vanilla’ models which deliver excellent value for money, like the Sonicare ProtectiveClean 4100 or Oral B Pro 1000.

But if you’re a power user who wants to have a range of options, and wish to benefit from the versatile range of technologically empowered features, then you should look at premium electric toothbrush models.

Among the best options in this category are models like the Sonicare DiamondClean, Sonicare 9900 Prestige or Oral-B iO range of models.

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Smart
The time-tested deluxe premium toothbrush!

Ultimate Electric Toothbrush Buyer Guide
Buy Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Now From Amazon

Question #8: Are you technology-savvy? Can you set up a (somewhat) complex system for each brushing session?

With the growing intricacy of modern electric toothbrushes, you now have unprecedented control over various settings.

You can adjust things like:

  • – brushing mode
  • – cleaning duration
  • – type of brush head
  • – intensity of cleaning
  • – real-time feedback

… and more.

Although making these adjustments is simple, it still takes some time and effort to tweak the settings, master the set up, and customize your device.

If you’re comfortable doing it, then get a fancier electric toothbrush.

Premium models even come with Bluetooth wireless connectivity to a smartphone app. These toothbrushes will offer real time feedback on cleaning, which improves oral health.

They also make it convenient to maintain records and keep track of brushing behavior over time.

Especially if you suffer from dental caries, or have had surgical work done on your teeth, you’ll appreciate the importance of dental health. You won’t mind taking a few extra minutes in your daily routine, in order to avoid visiting a dentist again.

The payoff on this investment lies in the feedback you’ll receive that

  • – avoids overlooking any areas of your mouth
  • – removes dental plaque more effectively
  • – delivers better results for dental hygiene
  • – avoids pressure-related injury to teeth and gums

Question #9: Do you have a sizeable budget?

If you have a ‘blank check’ to buy your electric toothbrush, then you can choose fancy devices (with fancier accessories) – or the more basic ones… based on your preference.

You could opt for an electric toothbrush with

  • multiple brushing modes, or
  • wireless Bluetooth connectivity, or
  • nice add-ons like a pressure sensor, or
  • EasyStart functionality, or
  • adjustable intensity settings.

On the other hand, if your budget is more constrained, then you’re limited to models that fit it.

However this does not mean you’ll have to give up on anything significant or important. Even the entry-level modern electric toothbrushes pack a powerful punch in terms of performance and cleaning efficacy.

Most of the bells and whistles found with premium electric toothbrush models often fall under the head of ‘nice to have, but not absolutely essential’ features.

Oral-B Genius Pro 8000:
A Fantastic Premium Electric Toothbrush!

The Ultimate Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide
Buy Oral-B Genius Pro 8000 Now From Amazon

One opportunity to stretch your budget and get ‘more for less‘ is to take advantage of special deals and seasonal discounts around shopping holidays and festivals.

Many e-commerce portals like offer online coupons which can be redeemed for cash or used to get a discount on the final price when you order online.

So keep a lookout for these offers, around Black Friday, end of year, and the eponymic Amazon Prime Day sales. You could literally double your value for money!

Question #10: Do you always need to have the absolute best?

This has nothing to do with the features and functions available in an electric toothbrush – and more to do with your personal preferences.

Some folks simply must have top-of-the-shelf choices, no matter what they buy.

Others are guided more by what’s necessary for their own needs.

And still others are driven by cost, and ‘value for money‘ considerations.

Which kind of shopper are you?

There are some high-end models that come with premium features powered by the latest technology, including AI (artificial intelligence), new battery innovations, versatile smartphone apps and more.

Such premium models are more expensive. But to the right kind of buyer, the features and functions they pack will still offer excellent value for money.

Question #11: Will you get the greatest value from a premium electric toothbrush?

A fancier premium electric toothbrush model comes with many powerful and exciting features.

But unless you’re a certain kind of user, you won’t really enjoy rich benefits from them.

Are you disciplined in setting up to brush?

If so, then you’ll get the most value from a premium electric toothbrush. But if you’re not, then it really doesn’t matter which kind of brush you own.

At first glance, the idea of having a choice of multiple cleaning modes might sound appealing. But the truth is that most users won’t need them – or use them.

Most users simply stick with the default ‘Easy Clean‘ mode, and hardly ever try out any of the other options!

Will you make good use of this functionality? If not, save yourself some cash by plumping for a more basic model.

A similar kind of analytical process will help you determine if any of the other specific features and benefits are relevant to you – or not.

If they aren’t, be smart – and get a simple electric toothbrush model.


Oral-B iO Series:
Decadent luxury in your electric toothbrush!

Ultimate Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide
Buy It Now From Amazon

Question #12: Are you a frequent traveller?

If yes, there are some features of an electric toothbrush you’ll want to look out for.

A. One is a long battery life.

Generally, Philips Sonicare toothbrushes have better battery life than other brands. The batteries are durable and last for 3 weeks of typical use on a single charge. Oral-B electric toothbrushes are often shorter lived.

B. Another feature to look for is the travel case.

A sturdy and compact travel case will let you safely carry your toothbrush along without worrying of damage.

Premium models have fashionable travel cases. Some even let you recharge your toothbrush from right within your travel case itself.

C. A third point to consider is replacement brush heads.

Will you get spare brush heads included with your purchase? And is there a convenient way to store and carry them in your travel case.

Some travel cases have compartments built into them for taking along a couple of spare replacement brush heads. This can be extremely convenient when you’re constantly on the move.

All these issues won’t matter much for non-travellers. But if you’re a road warrior, pay serious attention. Because the best travel electric toothbrush will enhance your experience immensely.

Question #13: Are you often forgetful or busy?

Many of us are.

After all, using and managing an electric toothbrush isn’t something you want to be constantly paying attention to.

And that’s the reason why some models come with special features that make life easier.

BrushSync is one such technology that takes the thinking out of when to replace a worn out brush head.

By keeping track of usage, and monitoring the bristles for splaying or damage, you’ll be notified when it’s time to switch to a new brush head.

Some models will even sync with your Smartphone app – and let you place an order online for replacement brush heads!

Another boon for the absent minded is an auto-shut off function.

The best electric toothbrush models turn off the motor automatically at the end of a brushing session.

This conserves battery power and extends the time between recharges.

It also increases your device’s longevity by reducing unnecessary wear and tear.

Question #14: Are you meticulous in tracking progress?

Some electric toothbrush users are very methodical in recording their progress – almost to the point of being obsessed with it!

If you’re one of them, the Bluetooth enabled device with a Smartphone app will be a delight.

It automatically saves brushing data, presents the information in the form of colorful graphs, and tracks improvement over time.

You can backup the information from your toothbrush to a Smartphone app, and even share it with others.

Will you be sending reports to your dentist or dental hygienist about your brushing habits? Then a fancy device like this will be a great choice.

On the other hand, if you don’t really care so much about this, pick a simpler model instead.

Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 5300:
An excellent travel companion!

The Ultimate Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide
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Question #15: Are you frugal and watchful of your expenses?

It’s easy to get carried away and overspend on an electric toothbrush.

To make sure you’re making the right choices, you must understand the concept of ‘lifetime cost’.

Your electric toothbrush has a limited lifespan, which is typically 3 to 5 years. After this, you will need to replace it with another new device.

Additionally, brush heads get worn out and must be replaced every 3 months. That’s an extra cost to factor into your ‘cost of ownership’.

Then, be aware of technical failures. These are not common, especially with the better electric toothbrush brands. But it could happen.

And if your device fails, or your battery conks out, or you develop other problems, it may cost you more money to repair or replace the defective device.

Try to determine your overall ‘cost of ownership’ before choosing one model of electric toothbrush over another.

It often turns out that seemingly expensive premium models are actually cheaper over the long term than their less expensive alternatives!

Question #16: Will many users be sharing the same brush handle?

Some families will share an electric toothbrush handle among several users.

If your family does, then you could opt for a more expensive model with more features.

This is because the total cost will be shared among many people. Therefore the ‘cost per user‘ becomes far lesser than if you’re the only person using it.

Question #17: Are you brand conscious?

The benefit of buying an electric toothbrush manufactured by a trusted brand like Philips Sonicare or Oral-B is that you’re backed by a reputed and high-quality company.

The investments into research and development made by big-name brands ensures that you’ll enjoy the fruits of their latest innovations.

You’ll also have fewer harmful effects if you stick to their products.

When it comes to replacement brush heads, you can get less expensive ‘non-brand’ items – or opt for original branded products only.

Original brush heads cost more – but they also last longer, and are less likely to damage your teeth. They also include convenient functions like Brush Sync which warns you when it’s time to replace a worn out brush head.

Also, cheaper devices and replacement brush heads may be short lived.

So what you’ll spend on a good brand name product may actually save you a lot of money over the device’s lifespan.

Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 4100:
Always a great choice!

Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide

Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 4100 review – read more

Buy It Now From Amazon

There you have it.

17 questions to ask yourself about how to buy an electric toothbrush.

If you go through this list, and answer the questions for yourself, you’ll effortlessly arrive at a very short list of potential choices.

  • Then, explore the rest of our website.
  • Find in-depth electric toothbrush reviews of the models you’re interested in.
  • Learn more about the pros and cons of individual electric toothbrush models.
  • And finally, decide which one is the ideal match for your unique needs.

Electric Toothbrush Buying Guide

So… Which Is Your Ideal Electric Toothbrush?

The answer will surprise you!

Because, you see…

The ideal electric toothbrush is the one that you’ll be more likely use!

That’s right.

When you like a certain model, and find it convenient and comfortable, you’re going to brush with it adequately.

And do this frequently enough to enjoy all the benefits of an electric toothbrush.

Even if price is a concern, always remember what’s at stake… your oral health and hygiene.

Within your budget, look for the perfect electric toothbrush that matches your lifestyle and preferences.

If you’re still not sure, ask your dentist or dental hygienist for suggestions. They’ll be glad to help.

Hope this ULTIMATE electric toothbrush buying guide was helpful.

If you know anyone else who might benefit from it, please share this link with them, too.